How do I teach my kids about money when I never was taught myself?

This is a question I get over and over again and the good news is that it's not as hard as you think!

Hi, I'm Camilla, a multiple business owner, professional investor and host of the Quiet Wealth podcast. I developed a simple financial system that teaches money habits starting as young as 5 years old.

I have successfully used this system with my own 5 children who are now going off to college with a strong financial base. In fact, they are teaching their peers how to use money!

And now other families are implementing their own Family Bank!

Financial habits don't just appear when we become adults. If you get your kids practicing them young, they will be set up for a solid financial future.

And it all starts with my revolutionary Family Bank System where children earn income, give to charities, save for the future, invest their money, manage budgets, launch their own businesses, and graduate from college debt free.

Course curriculum

    1. Let's Get Started

    1. Lesson 1: Healthy Money Mindset

    2. Lesson 2: Money Mindset Shifts

    1. Lesson 1: Family Bank Part 1

    2. Lesson 2: Family Bank Part 2

    1. Lesson 1: Starting a Business

    2. Lesson 2: Budgeting

    1. Lesson 1: Building Credit and 10 Money Topics

    2. Lesson 2: Finfluencers + Books to Read

    1. Lesson 1: Invest Young

    2. Lesson 2: 10 Ways to Invest continued

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

Give your kids a head start in financial success